May 29,
On-Demand Urgent London GP Visiting Doctor Service for your Hotel Guests

Sometimes hotel guests might fall sick and don't know where or who to go for medical advice. Most of the guests in your hotel are most likely on their vacation and might find their surroundings strange and alien without a familiar face to rely on. In such times, we provide a complete range of private medical services that can address your guests' medical concerns, including a full history and examination, further investigations such as blood tests or xrays & scans, as well as medication prescriptions or a specialist referral where required. Getting your guests back up on their feet with quick efficient early treatment so that they can get on with enjoying their stay.
Prompt attention and assurance for your guests is our priority, leave the medical aspect to us, allowing you to concentrate on delivering first class hospitality.
Contacting us is easy as pie, either call us on 0844 247 247 9 any time of the day or night or download our app 'CD247' to request an instant telephone consultation or in-person visit.